Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Un Mondo che non esiste più.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
la dolcezza della semplicità
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Forest in Tuscany. |
Mushroom |
another corner in a Tuscan forest. |
Beautiful chestnut leaves |
Pumpkins from my garden |
dried fruits |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
River Guadalope : spring (Spain) |
River Mijares (Spain) |
River Mijares (Spain) |
River Mijares (Spain) |
River Guadalope (Spain) |
più di speranza ch’a trovar la Diana;
Diana Street - Siena / Italy |
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Nelly e suo fratello
Nelly ha finito il suo latte appena arrivata a casa. |
La piccola Nelly osserva con attenzione. |
Nelly riposa all'ombra. |
Friday, August 13, 2010
Caro Tiziano !!
Molti anni fa, magari nel 1999, comprai in una libreria di Siena un libro in edizione economica. Non avevo mai letto niente di quell’autore, neppure sapevo chi fosse.
Di solito sono fedelissima ai miei gusti e quando entro in sintonia con un autore gli do la priorità su tutti gli altri e leggo tutti i suoi libri a fila.
Quando non conosco l’autore di un’opera, mi faccio guidare dalla mia epidermide, che diventa sensibile al primo impatto con due punti importanti: il titolo e la copertina.
In questo caso, mi piacque moltissimo
sia la foto : ritraeva un tramonto con sottofondo asiatico.
sia il titolo:
L’autore era Tiziano Terzani.
Divorai quel libro con avidità . Adesso prendendolo in mano, lo trovo pieno di sottolineature e appunti a matita, la spiegazioni di questa frenesia, magari si trova sulla copertina dove c’è una frase che funge da sottotitolo “ un libro che svela i mille volti della Cina”.
Con avidità, ho divorato negli anni tanti altri libri scritti da lui. Non è che li abbia letti tutti, ma sì un’alta percentuale.
Sono libri che raccontano le sue esperienza di vita durante i più di 30 anni trascorsi in Asia, come corrispondente di vari rotocalchi .
Non ostante io sia per carattere timida e mi senta un po’ soprafatta dalle persone troppo irruenti , come era Terzani, l’ho subito adorato. Ho adorato quell’uomo sicuro di sé, curioso, coraggioso che ha avuto la fortuna di vivere tante vite diverse nel solo arco di tempo che dura una vita umana.
Ma sopratutto l’ho adorato perché, con le sue parole, aveva la capacità di trasmettere i sentimenti ed emozioni che lui stesso provava. Leggendo i suoi scritti, riuscivi a sentire i profumi, ad assaporare la bontà dei cibi, ad ascoltare i suoni ed altro ancora.
Quando è uscito il suo libro “L’ultimo giro in giostra” e già nelle prime pagine raccontava del tumore che lo stava aggredendo, io ho pianto amaramente.
Quando è avvenuta la sua morte a solo un mese di distanza del decesso di mio padre, neppure allora ho potuto trattenere le lacrime.
Adesso mi è arrivata sul mio e-mail l’anteprima del film basato sulla sua vita.
È un film tedesco, spero in un rapido doppiaggio e distribuzione in Italia.
Le povere e poche righe di questo post vorrei che servissero a ringraziare Tiziano per avermi trasmesso tanta energia positiva e tanti spunti di riflessione.
Vi invito a leggere i suoi libri e a visitare il suo sito:
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Holidays !!!!!
Finally we have won our yearly relax !!
After months and months of stressing runs in order to be able to do everything, after months and months of cold, rains, winds and sometimes (3 times last winter) snows, we can enjoy the summer, so nice temperature, the sun and lighter days.
The possibilities are many in our days, almost everybody can arrive everywhere: sea, mountains, countryside, beauty Spa, go to the own birth place, also stay at home since in this period, when cities are desert, it is also very pleasant to take our time to know better the place where we live.
In any case we decided to visit my family in
We left
This time I wake up in the morning and I went out to take some sun, some ice cream and I took my time to read my book.
After 22 travelling hours we left the vessel and by car we went to our destination, to one of the most love corner in my heart.
In these days the number of inhabitants can get even 50 persons however, in winter it goes down till 8 persons ( 5 of them are my family).
It is the ideal place to be relaxing. There aren’t shops or coffee shops or cinemas or disco.
By the other hand it is plain of mountains, forests, one uncontained river (rio Guadalope). A festivity for the senses.
The road to get there finishes in this place, so only persons who want to go there (or sometimes misplaced persons) come here.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
In Spanish language we can call it with three different words :
Lavanda comes from Frech “lavande”.
Espliego comes from Latin “espicilum” (which means spike).
Alhucema comes from Arab “alhuzama”.
I prefer to call it Espliego, it is the word we use in my region : Aragòn and I adore its colour and its aroma.
It is very easy to cultivate. It doesn’t need almost any water. It only needs to be planted in a sunny place. It can resist very well during very hot summers but also during very cold winters. It is convenient an important pruning at the end summer.
It was very well known by Antic Romans . They put these flowers into the thermal water. They prepared perfumes and decoctions to be used for their beauty.
You can alleviate your headache if you massage your temples and your nape of neck with a very few drops of Lavender Essential Oil.
You can put small bucket into your wardrobe in order to chase away any moth.
Its aroma is detested by mosquitoes.
I harvested first flowers in my garden yesterday and I took are some pictures.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Quasi Estate / Almost summer
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How many times we complain about our bad luck since we was unable to organize a weekend at sea side.
Also, how many times we are desperate since we got
It seems banal to repeat one again how lucky we are to be born where we are born, to have a warm and comfortable home where we can live, to have a family which gives all of loves to us, to have a work which allows as to cover our needs, our caprices, to live in a free and democratic country where we can tell in loud our opinion, our fears or joys , so …. TO LIVE.
We have to remember once again that we are a part of that minority of people ( around 25% of World population) who has the right to a life with dignity.
During the last summer, I visited
I felt so bad, I cried when I saw babies / children playing in the middle of the dirtiness and rubbish.
I felt so bad after, even now I feel bad since I came back home and I didn’t do anything to help those persons and persons who are in the same situation of Philippine people.
I only give sometimes some money through my Mobil phone or through my income tax return…., but I believe that the solution in not in our hands. Not in the hands of anonymous citizens all of the World. The solution is in the hands of our politicians, in the hands of our Governs. Their best intentions are needed.. but unfortunately they are blind and deaf…….
I cry out my indignation.
Pls. support :
I ‘m mad as hell
Sunday, April 25, 2010
April month here in Siena.
April is a very rainy month here in
I love when is raining. It seems the Nature thanks the atmosphere. The water in fact washes trees, bushes, flowers and grass. I think every landscape is more beautiful when bathed by the rain.
Even pictures show an special light and fantastic colours….. as into a “dream”.
One more facilitation in my case, is that I don’t need to water my flowers and vegetable in my garden.
When outside is raining I like to cook some bread of biscuits.
One more facilitation in my case, is that I don’t need to water my flowers and my vegetables in the garden.
When outside is raining I like to cook some bread of biscuits.
I don’t like fat or creamy. In fact yesterday I prepared some round shaped cookies, very easy, simple and healthy.
They are nice when to drink a cup of milk.
I mixed
- 1 glass of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 glass of fresh milk
- 200gr. Of white cane sugar
- A pitch of cinnamon
- ½ tea spoon of yeast
- As much as flour as requested.
I firstly mixed in a bowl the milk + oil + sugar. Then, I added the yeast and cinnamon. Finally I added the flour.
In order to mix all ingredients better, I put the dough into the bread machine and I selected the mixed program.
When the dough was ready I took small portions and I shaped them as a doughnut .
I put them into the oven at 180C° for 7 minutes in the bottom part and 7 minutes at 150 C° in the high part (I put a tray between the cookies and the grill, to avoid burning them.
Bon appétit !!