Many weeks (even months) have passed since my last post.
This last summer and autumn have been very busy period in the office, then all the other things to follow, so I have not had too much time for my personal things.
Now, a calmer period is arrived and I can write, and read and cook even I can work in my garden.
Christmas period is already over . It was a busy time too, preparing everything thing: decorations, gifts, greeting cards, sweets, lunches, dinners .
We are now in the most crude winter: in the morning, sometime it is very cold (even -7°C) or very foggy .
The sky offers fantastic scenes
Sometimes it seems to be into a dream
The fields sleep, the trees and flowers sleeps too. The birds are some difficulties to find something to eat.
I see them from the window of my kitchen with a cup of tea, hot and sweet. I feel I would like to be a bear, I would like to go into hibernation and then to wake up to the life only in spring.